The Peacock Public House, UK.

The building is currently a public house with a basement over the full building footprint and one floor of accommodation above ground floor.  The building was completed in 1881 and originally would have comprised basement, ground floor with bar, first floor function rooms and second floor accommodation.  

During the Second World War the building was damaged by an incendiary bomb which destroyed the second floor and roof.  Repairs at the time were limited to providing a roof at first floor ceiling level (Removing the second floor) and rebuilding some of the perimeter walls where damage had occurred.  This has not changed to this day. 

The project is split into two phases.  Phase 1 includes the lowering part of the existing basement to form customer toilets and refurbishing the public bar and kitchen facilities.  Phase 2 covers the remodelling and extending the existing structure over the public bar, replacing the roof, reinstating second and third floors and providing a new lightweight roof extension.  The work also includes reinstating the original façade that was damaged during the war.


Client: Clarks Well Development Ldt

Project TeamC2 Architects, BH Consultants (QS), T Dexter Construction (Pub Refirbishment Works) 

Location: Stepney, London, UK

Sector: Leisure

Service: Structual Engineering 

Date of Completion: Anticipated December 2023

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